Victorian Fireplace Tiles

Victorian Fireplace Tiles

Victorian Fireplace Tiles

Victorian Fireplace Tiles – create period charm with high performance tiles for your fireplace surround.

Victorian Fireplace Tiles arguably represented the pinnacle of tile production during that era. During the Victorian Era, the Fireplace was the centre of many homes and formed an area around which a family would gather together at the end of the day to share company, conversation or simply contemplate the flames! Fireplace tiles often surrounded these feature fireplaces, making them distinctive and attractive interior design pieces as well as being highly functional. These fireplace tiles needed to look great and perform well under the heat generated by a coal fire.

The Victorian interior design style developed alongside the changes of the Industrial Revolution. During this period, the manufacture of both ceramic wall and ceramic floor tiles hit a peak. It was during the reign of that longest lived monarch of the 19th Century, Queen Victoria, when tiles began to be mass-produced. Their lasting results can be observed even today in much surviving Victorian architecture.

Today, it is very popular to carry out home improvement projects which are in keeping with the architectural period of the property. In the UK we have a great heritage of 19th Century properties, which were built to last from good quality building materials. These properties were built during the ‘Golden Age’ of Victorian Britain. That 19th Century heritage is powerfully evoked in peoples homes today by the deliberate use of traditional design accents. Well chosen home improvements can add character and value to your property.

FireTile have been producing and selling Victorian fireplace tiles for many years and are extremely proud of the quality of our products. Our glazed ceramic fireplace tiles are used for new fireplace projects as well as for restorations or even the replacement of key tiles to match an existing fireplace.

Some of our best selling fireplace tiles…

£1.88 exc VAT

Victorian Green 102x102x9mm (4x4") Plain Tile - Victorian reproduction tile made in England using traditional methods.

£0.50 exc VAT

Black Non-Slip Porcelain Floor Tile 96x96x8mm Plain with HSE Pendulum Test slip ratings of 60 (DRY) and 37 (WET)

£1.06 exc VAT

Black Non-Slip Porcelain Floor Tile 146x146x8mm Plain with HSE Pendulum Test slip ratings of 60 (DRY) and 37 (WET)